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FAIRway Danube
Funding programme: Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Transport
Project Budget: 23.357.255 EUR
ACN Budget: 624.096 EUR
Funding rate: 85% UE, 15% State Budget
Project Coordinator: via donau
Project duration: 60 months (July 2015 – June 2020)
Project Partners:
- via donau -Österreichische Wasserstraßen-Gesellschaft mbH (viadonau), Austria;
- Agentúra rozvoja vodnej dopravy (ARVD), Slovakia;
- Országos Vízügyi Főigazgatóság (OVF),
- Nemzeti Infrastruktura Fejleszto zrt (NIF), Hungary;
- Agenţia pentru căi navigabile interioare (AVP), Croaţia;
- Izpalnitelna agentsia "Prouchvane i poddarzhane na reka Dunav (EAEDMR) , Bulgaria;
- Administraţia Fluvială a Dunării de Jos Galaţi (AFDJ), Romania;
- Administraţia Canalelor Navigabile (ACN), România.
The main goal of the project is to implement the „Fairway Rehabilitation and Maintenance Masterplan of the Danube and its navigable tributaries” endorsed in December 2014 by all relevant Ministers from
the Danube riparian countries. The aim of the Masterplan is to reach and assure a good navigation status throughout the year by providing a minimum Level of Service.
(Maintenance Master plan ;
Conclusions )
Thus, during the implementation period the following activities will be deployed:
Elaborate coordinated national roadmaps and define the pilot activities necessary for the implementation of the Fairway Rehabilitation and Maintenance Masterplan of the Danube and its navigable tributaries;
- Procure the necessary equipment
to carry out the pilot activities for hydrological services in the 5 concerned countries (Slovakia, Hungary, Croația, Bulgaria, Romania);
- Execute and evaluate pilots in order to :
* Collect harmonized
basic data on all critical locations along the Danube;
* Implement a coherent monitoring scheme for the navigational status;
* Harmonize water level models and forecast.
- Develop innovative approaches in the area of rehabilitation of the fairway and upgrade tested at several locations as part of pilot activities ;
- Prepare the necessary documentation for future implementation projects of the Masterplan.
Press Releases:
February 2016