Cernavodă Lock


Cernavoda lock is located at km 60.3 on the Danube-Black Sea Canal in the neighborhood of junction with the Danube river. Vessels coming from the Danube ask the RoRIS ACN Regional Center for passage permission. The operational radio channel is 14 VHF.

The maximum time for lock passage is 60 minutes.The vessels coming from the Cernavoda Lock on the Danube Black Sea Canal, will use the following nautical radio channel:

  • channel VHF 14 from 64,4 km to 49 km
  • channel VHF 71 from 49 km to 15km
  • channel VHF 74 from 15 km to 0 km


Useful length(m)Breadth(m)Depth on sill(m) Approximate filling time(min)
 300  25  7.5  0-8